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Mens underwear painted in these colors will make you New Year’s eve interesting

by loveforundies   ·  4 years ago   ·  

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Wearing certain colored underwear on New Year Eve is a tradition that is followed by various countries. According to traditions, the color of your underwear or lingerie decides your future. Whether you will have a successful or unsuccessful relationship, is decided by the color of your underwear. Similarly, the status of your money in your bank account will be reflected by the color of your male lingerie therefore, you should be very careful.

Men's Underwear styles
Image Source: Menattitude

If we talk about countries like Spain and Italy, men prefer wearing red-colored mens underwear  on New Year’s Eve for good luck and success. On the other hand, in South America, more specifically in Chile, a tradition of wearing yellow-colored mens underwear inside out is followed and when the New Year comes you take it off, turn it the right way, and wear it again. All traditions consider black- colored underwear for men shouldn’t be worn on New Year’s Eve as black is linked with sadness and misfortune.

Therefore, for better luck in the coming year, we suggest you go with these colors for lingerie.

Red Underwear

Red is the perfect color for your lingerie when you wish to create a romantic vibe between you and your partner.Perhaps you’re prepared for another relationship, or you’re done being single. Perhaps you’d love to invest more energy with your life partner, and could truly utilize that additional lift. Red is said to bring energy.

Mens Underwear Style
Image Source: Intymen

There are various styles of men’s underwear but the ones that can make you lucky are mens jockstrap , men’s thong underwear , and mens briefs .

White Underwear

White-colored underwear is perfect for the ones who are hoping for more peace and tranquility. Regardless of whether it’s work, family, or the ceaseless pandemic worrying you, white underwear for men will help you relax and believe that the future won’t be as worse as it seems.

Mens Underwear
Image Source: Dmxgear

White-colored male thongs, mens G-string underwear , and bikini are the perfect styles to try this 2021.

Yellow Underwear

Yellow signifies money and wealth and should be worn during those times when you are hoping to boost your bank account. This colored underwear for men will help you in getting your dream job or get the promotion you’ve been hoping for in the year ahead.

Mens Underwear styles
Image Source: Homeose

Styles such as mens jockstrap underwear, mens boxer briefs , and thong underwear in yellow are the right option, especially when hoping for a promotion. These options enhance your confidence due to comfort and support factors.

Mens Underwear Styles
Instagram: Homeose

Green Underwear

Green is not a common color when it comes to underwear but if you choose to wear this rare color, it could bring well-being and good life as per a few traditions. Whether you pick a bikini brief or jockstrap in green color, you will remain boosted.

2eros Underwear
Instagram: 2eros

Green colored jockstrap, male thongs, men’s boxer brief underwear, and brief underwear for men sounds amazing in this color for your new year’s eve and the rest of the year.

Blue Underwear

If your objective is to eat better, work better, and focus more on mental breaks, blue colored underwear for men is what you need to wear on 31st December night. Blue undies are all about well-being and staying great.

Mens Underwear
Image Source: Modus Vivendi

Blue boxer briefs, brief underwear, male bikini , and male trunks should be considered in this soothing shade. These styles are snug-fitted so there is no chance of feeling under-confident and less supportive. The contour pouch that resides in this style will take care of your male genitals.

So this New year fulfill all your dreams without compromising on comfort and support. Make the health of your male genitals a priority.

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Michael Hanes

Hi, I am Michael Hanes. I like to explore new mens underwear styles and share information about them as much as I can.

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