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Dolce and Gabbana

by loveforundies   ·  4 years ago   ·  

Image source: Thefashionisto

If someone does not know about Dolce & Gabbana then they have been living under a stone. Incorporated in 1985 in Legnano by Italian Designers Dolce &Gabbana with the mission to make designer men’s underwear, the collection is for people who are bored with their generic underwear. In that exact place where they started the underwear line, they opened their first brick-and-mortar store that offered this male underwear so everyone can know what it’s like to expect more from their brand. They had a belief that since underwear is the most intimate part of your clothes, it should make you feel comfortable and be supportive of your endeavors. This has been one of the main reasons why they have successfully built a brand that has created a global dominance in providing men’s erotic underwear segment of the fashion industry. 

Moving on to their product range, D&G offers a different combination of their underwear styles each time someone looks for the right style, so they never feel like they are paying more money for the same underwear. These generally include men’s sexy briefs for those who want to expose their right amount of thigh muscles and designer men’s boxers for everyone who wants more from their underwear. The materials used to develop these exotic men’s underwear generally comprise polyamide and spandex that ensures the material is soft and has enough elasticity that makes it fit according to your needs. 

The customer retention rate has been increasing over the years that is evident from the fact that the customers always keep coming back wanting more. This insatiable desire of the wearers has been a direct result of the quality and premium underwear they have been getting from D&G.







Michael Hanes

Hi, I am Michael Hanes. I like to explore new mens underwear styles and share information about them as much as I can.

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