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Heard That Voice? Closet Screaming for Men’s Thong

by loveforundies   ·  3 years ago   ·  

Did you hear that? You will only hear that if you pay attention to your closet. If you ever notice your underwear drawer in your closet, you will find briefs, briefs, and only briefs. Blue brief, black brief, grey brief, and brief. Styles like jockstraps, thongs, and bikini brief doesn’t exist in your closet. Are you sure that drawer is yours? Or are you and daddy sharing the same closet? If not, we beg you to add some variety to that. If you don’t feel secure and confident in syles like male jocks and men’s bikini underwear, kindly switch to SUKREW men’s thong underwear. And trust us, the reasons are very convincing.

1. Thong Underwear Equals Comfort

Thong underwear for men is all about comfort. The lightweight fabric used in the construction of the style gives it a reason to wear it. The lightweight and breathable fabric make it a summer-ready pair of lingerie. It hugs your body perfectly, as a result, the best features of your body are enhanced. 

Image Source: Sukrew

If looking for a pair of thongs for everyday comfort, SUKREW MONMOUTH THONG is what you should consider. Its soft and smooth polyamide fabric gives the wearer a great feel. When you pair this pair of thongs with your formal pants, it offers a beautiful shape to your butt. 

2. Men’s Thong Is a Package of Confidence

You might be surprised, but we are not. Thong underwear for men is a style that is a complete package of confidence. This sexy male underwear can easily hide the secret that makes you feel more confident and desirable. Since this style of lingerie believes in less is more theory, you know there’ll be nothing that will visit from the jeans; you’ll be all glad and sure.

Image Source: Sukrew

If you face discomfort in thong due to skinny silhouette, SILKY LILAC THONG with a V thong cutout is meant for you. This pair resembles with jockstrap due to elastic straps at the back. The feature that makes this style unique is a 5cm thick jacquard SUKREW branded waistband. 

Besides that, the combination of 65% Polyamide and 35% Elastane makes it underwear with better mobility and comfort. 

3. Balance of Sensuality and Enhancement

Men’s thong underwear is suggested for all those men who need to feel attractive with what you as of now have or need to live it up of closeness. 

Thong underwear for men is a style that is a complete balance of sensuality and enhancement. The amount of fabric utilized in this style upgrades the gracefulness of your bottom. In other words, this makes your lower anatomy look more full and round. 

Image Source: Sukrew

SUKREW pair of thong that perfectly defines this feature is DORCHESTER THONG. Dorchester thong is a black-colored thong combined with a luxurious gold waistband and not to forget, black detailing.

4. Cherish the Feeling of Freedom in Men’s Thong

A good pair of underwear is the one that raises the feeling of freedom. Thong underwear lets the wearer cherish and realize what is the actual meaning of FREEDOM. 

The construction of this thong underwear for men comes with a narrow fabric on the front giving a better hold on your manhood, keeping it minimal overall.

Image Source: Sukrew

SUKREW BLUE & PINK BUBBLE THONG is a blue body thong blessed with a bright pink waistband and white detailing. This pair of thong underwear frames your bum with a steep curve. 

Well, your closet does so much for you. It keeps all your waste things carefully. It’s high time that you spice up your underwear drawer with some sensual and stylish pair of lingerie.

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Michael Hanes

Hi, I am Michael Hanes. I like to explore new mens underwear styles and share information about them as much as I can.

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