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How to make male bikini your cup of tea?

by loveforundies   ·  4 years ago   ·  

“You can fit into any style, any size. you don’t have to ditch your favourite food and don’t have to cut down on sugar as well. You guys get size easily and we are the ones who have to suffer. We cant carry erotic styles of male bikini underwear even if we want to due to our overweight.”

Overweight guys do think so and they are not wrong but they are not completely correct as well. to stay in size even slim men have to work hard. they have to hit the gym and need to have to keep control over their diet. Such men do feel inferiority complex and hence they end up wearing something disastrous that’s the reason we are here to help you, men, to boost your confidence without changing you.

For overweight men

1.Wear Dark Colors

If you heard it before” dark colours make you look thinner”, trust that. Dark, solid colours such as navy blue and shades of grey and charcoal too. If you are not sure which dark colour will suit your skin tone choose black. Black is the ideal colour for fat people and apart from this colour, you can even go for other colours such as shades of navy blue, chocolate brown, dark grey or purple will hide your flaws, creating a slimming illusion.

Showing your big belly in your men’s bikini is not worth enough so avoid wearing bright shirts. one should stay away from bright coloured bottoms if you have a big booty. You can even look for monochromatic colours to look slim and tall.

Male Bikini Underwear
Image Source: Skiviez

You will be surprised to know that with the smart play of light and dark tones, one can achieve a flattering effect. If your upper torso is heavier compared to the bottom, you can wear a dark coloured t-shirt say black with a bright coloured bikini, say yellow or white and vice versa. Even a bright shade of pink or red can create a slimming appearance.

Avoid khaki coloured men’s bikini underwear so you won’t look like 72, being 68.

2. Choose patterns and stripes wisely.

When you don’t have a well-toned physique, you have to be very smart. You don’t get a lot of options in the clothing part.

if you love your flower-print shirt you can pair it up with a black bikini or navy blue bikini underwear.

The biggest mistake that we do without realizing it, is wearing the wrong stripes. we don’t realize that vertical stripes make us look fat hence it’s a no for big guys. Go for horizontal stripes instead because you look tall and thin but make sure it’s in dark shade.

you may also look for a pinstripe pattern T-shirt if you don’t find pinstripe underwear as its monochromatic colour and texture creates a continuous vertical line from neck to toe.

one can consider wearing board shorts if a bikini makes you uncomfortable but only in horizontal stripes.

Mens Bikini Underwear
Image Source: Mensuas

3. Say no to tank tops

Tank tops are best for the ones who have a lean shaped body because then they don’t get stuck to your belly area and won’t highlight your heavy arms. tank tops look good on people with a toned body, neither fat nor thin, perfect according to height.

4. Avoid extra small and extra-large lingerie

Whether it’s your men’s boxers, brief or your swimwear, it will look great only if it’s in your size and that’s what Bigger men should keep in mind.

Purchasing an extra-large T-shirt is fine but how can you even think of purchasing large size men’s swimwear. What if it slips down while running?

5. Say no to crewneck T-shirts.

Crewneck T-shirt is not the right pair of outfit for you hence men’s bikini will look great with V-neck T-shirts as it gives a slimming appearance.

V-neck t-shirts made from lightweight fabric helps you to shed a few pounds visually hence you look thin.

Bikini Underwear for men
Image Source: Erogenos

6. Opt for good posture.

This might sound weird but if you start practising this, you will feel the changes i.e. good posture, standing straight.

Good posture is very important for better health. You will start feeling energetic as oxygen can easily flow throughout the body.

If someone is suffering from chronic neck and back pain, check his posture. Well, this is like good news for heavyweight men, ” good posture helps in weight loss” as holding yourself upright works your muscles hence you will look slim and will become slim as well, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise.

Right posture works on your core muscles i.e. tightening of core muscles hence you feel more confident and happy as well.

For well-toned physique men

1) Go ahead with anything

Well-toned men have the benefit of wearing anything that they like. vertical stripes, horizontal stripes, pinstripe, bright colours, dark colours, if you are confident you can wear any type of print you like but it would be better if you consider these points as well.

If you are short in height, men’s trunks are not good for your sexual health. Shorts are best for you whose length is around the mid-thigh area as it makes your leg looks longer and you can even show off your well-toned legs. Large prints do not compliment short guys.

whereas tall guys should wear swim trunks whose length lies above your knee and fitted trunks are perfect for skinny men because well-fitted shorts are made from the thicker material which helps add girth and also they use button side fasteners despite using basic string and elastic waistband. The best part about button fasteners is that they collect the material on both sides which creating any sort of folds of hanging fabric. You get the freedom of choosing any sort of print or colour if you are tall.

So if you wear men’s swimwear as per your body type, your personality will get enhanced to another level.

2.Colour and print.

there was a time when people were highly obsessed with fair skin and were not ready to accept the dark skin tone men. gradually with time still somewhere people do have this obsession of getting fair but they don’t realise that men with dark skin colour have the freedom to choose more colours. Bright or dull, dark skin people can go ahead with any tone.

Pale men shouldn’t wear light colours if they don’t want to camouflage with the colour of a bikini. Subtle prints do look classy and stylish. Tall men are supposed to wear men’s bikini in dark and bold colours as it helps in boosting up the muscle.

Slim guys should try contrast colour waistbands and horizontals stripes to get the illusion of wide hips.

3. Wear tank tops

when you have the perfect body, you don’t have to worry about anything, whether its men’s tank top or crop top, if you think you can pull them off, there is nothing harm in giving them a shot, it’s just you have to pair them in right colour combinations.

if your upper torso is in bright colour then look for dark colour bikini and vice versa.

Whether you are obese or well-toned men, these two tips are for both the category men.

1. Stay healthy by exercising and by following the right diet.

Sometimes people do get confused between being fit and healthy. People do think that if so and so person is having six-pack abs, muscles that means he is fit and healthy. sometimes to achieve a lean body, people skip their meals which is a wrong practice. this will only lead to health problems at a later stage.

instead of skipping meals switch to healthy snacks, fruits and vegetables. whenever you feel hungry grab some nuts, if available otherwise you can have a plate or bowl full of fruits and if thirsty, water is best and if not that, prefer fruit juice and coconut water.

this way you will stay hydrated without gaining extra calories.

having a healthy diet is one way of staying fit and healthy, another way for staying healthy is through accepting your body. don’t pressurize yourself to look in a certain way just because your friends want you to buy hot lingerie. If you want changes to do it for yourself.

instead of cutting from junk food in one go start with baby steps so that one doesn’t feel irritated or feel as if he is missing out on something from life.

if you are among those who like to PlayStation and is doing exercise because you have gained a lot of weight hence unable to fit into swimwear, then this tip is just for you. To begin with, do some pushups, jumping jacks, and sit-ups. let this continue for some time and once your body is used to this schedule, increase the intensity of your workout.


men with light skin tone should apply a layer of sunscreen so that they can stay protected from harmful sun radiations as you won’t like to have different tones of your skin.

sunscreen is mandatory for men who are prone to sunburn and tanning. Also, it guards you against skin cancer.

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Michael Hanes

Hi, I am Michael Hanes. I like to explore new mens underwear styles and share information about them as much as I can.

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