
A Day in the Bull’s Eye, or What Happens When I Test Men’s Leggings

by loveforundies   ·  3 years ago   ·  

So. Let’s talk about men's gym wear and Men’s Leggings. With cross-training becoming the next big thing in sports, even the toughest of dudley dudes have turned their eyes to sports like yoga, Crossfit, HIIT, and more. Gone are the days when cyclists were weird for choosing sleek lycra instead of flappy shorts. Image Source: metadomeggings Plus, ...


How can influencers effect the sales of men’s erotic underwear?

by loveforundies   ·  3 years ago   ·  

Influencers and bloggers are impacting the choice of customers these days. People feel more connected with influencers, as a result, before purchasing anything they prefer the reviews given by X, Y, Z influencers. Hence, fashion brands are realizing the power of bloggers and influencers and are utilizing them as brand ambassadors. Not just influencers are affecting ...