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by loveforundies   ·  4 years ago   ·  

Image source: Exofficio

Exofficio is a brand that has gotten in the clothing industry with a goal to make the perfect underwear for men so that the guys out there enjoy and get their heads back in the game. This brand was established in the year 1987 and has made itself competitive with the bulls in the male underwear industry. With Exofficio, your dream of wanderlust is attainable as this brand has got a similar methodology and wants for you to cover that extra mile.

As being in the market for more than 25 years now, Exofficio has got its best game at designing suitable male underwear that focuses on being comfortable and maximizes performance so that you can live your life king size. This brand has got its hold in Seattle, Washington where the best designers innovate for hundreds of hours just to get that perfection in manufacturing these sexy underwear for men so that guys like you could put their best efforts in the game.

Getting into the product lineup, this brand just like any other has done its own share of innovation to get that perfect designer men’s underwear with that maximum comfort and that perfect wiggle room so that you can perform your daily chores with passion. The cheeky underwear for men offered by this brand is made from the combination of polyamide and spandex so that you can perform that stretch with pleasure and let those jealous guys know what you are made of!

With Exofficio, you can find a vast range of designs to choose from, some of them being:







Michael Hanes

Hi, I am Michael Hanes. I like to explore new mens underwear styles and share information about them as much as I can.

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